Underwater Photography
Dusty Norman Photography
From my very first dive, I have always been fascinated with photographing the underwater world. My first couple of jobs in diving I was a photo/video pro and it was such a highlight for me. Scuba diving is unique and totally unpredictable, being able to share this through photography is challenging but extremely rewarding. The perfect picture captures the moment and composition, and when everything comes together it is a fascinating moment to share.
Shooting fish behavior is one of my favorites because it also takes patience. I am an advocate of constant light photography which works well for fish behavior. Many times I will sit on a subject for a long period of time to get that perfect shot, and many times I fail, but when it works it is magical. One of the most extraordinary times of year is the annual coral spawn in Grand Cayman. An event that only happens for only three days each year. For many years I have witnessed the coral spawn with video and also photography. This is truly an event to see and it has been one of the highlights of my diving career. In 2017 Blue Planet II contacted me to use my coral spawn video for the latest Blue Planet II series. You can see clips of my footage in Blue Planet II – Episode 3 || Coral Reefs – BBC 2017 – David Attenborough. This was a true joy and honor to be apart of this amazing project.
You can follow Dusty’s photography on our Instagram and Facebook page. If you have any questions feel free to email him at info@dnsdiving.com or call 1-345-916-2490. He is always in the mood to discuss anything to do with cameras, editing, and photography!